Services By Industry

​Our service is supporting service’s back-end functions and we tailor our services to fit a variety of industries.

We’ve helped support everyone from automotive to exercise studios to healthcare facilities and are always excited to add a new industry to our list.


Serving with Hospitality


Our experience in restaurants is deep. Having worked with several hundred restaurants, we have confronted and solved many of the issues you face, speak the same language you do, and are focused on your operations and profitability. We take a comprehensive financial approach to understanding your restaurant and continually look for ways to improve sales, profit and your guests’ experience.

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Hair & Beauty

Keeping Your Books Beautiful

Hair & Beauty

We doubt you started a salon to track invoices and make reports but having access to them gives you crucial insights to how your business is doing. With our tailored Salon and other specialize beauty service accounting, we not only keep your books beautiful, but we explain what they mean so you don’t have to worry and can focus on keeping your customers beautiful.

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Gym, Yoga & Fitness

Spotting for your business

Gym, Yoga & Fitness

Keeping your fitness business healthy is our business. Providing you with useful information and detailed updates about the state of your business so you have the clarity and confidence you need to focus on your building your community. More than just hand you reports, we act like your financial personal trainer providing support, guidance and encouragement.

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Hospitality & Hotels

Your Dedicated Team of Experts

Hospitality & Hotels

Worry about your guests, we’ll take care of the rest, handling your accounting, reporting, financial and payroll functions. More than just support we provide actually useful insights and guidance that give you a clear picture of how your business is doing. With decades of experience helping the hospitality industry we’ve learned how to help our client move and evolve in an industry that is always changing and evolving.

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Healthcare & Medical

Supporting Your Team

Healthcare & Medical

We treat you like you treat your patients. With dedicated care, patience and understanding. We are here to give your healthcare business the support it needs to thrive along with the advice and knowledge needed to move forward and adapt. If people are at the heart of a business, finances are it’s lifeblood and we help keep it healthy.

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Wholesale & Distribution

Streamlining your System

Wholesale & Distribution

In a business like wholesale & distribution, where efficiency means profitability, we not only produce your books, reports and payroll in a timely and consistent manner, with our expertise in the industry we provide crucial insights that drive your business forward. Just presenting your book is never enough, wholesale and distribution businesses need dynamic customized support that provides them with valuable knowledge.

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We provide you with a comprehensive financial package. In addition to providing your company’s consolidated income statement, we will also produce a detailed income statement for each of your locations as well as the corporate function. We provide you with a comprehensive financial package (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and key operations reports). In addition to your company’s consolidated income statement, we will also produce a detailed income statement for each of your locations as well as the corporate function.

Get your Business the support it deserves

Check how your business can grow up with service squared you need to let it thrive